Listening to: Eminem
Feeling: abandoned
So . . . yeah. This is my life. Wow. It kinda sucks. I go to school, I come home and do homework and then go to sleep for five hours and repeat five times. Then the weekends come around. I sleep in if I'm lucky and spend the entire day doing chores and baking. I've actually gotten "yelled" at for not baking one weekend. It's turning into a job. Then I go to sleep for 7 hours. Repeat twice. Rewind tape please.
How did this happen? How did I lose control of my life? How do I get it back?
I need help. I have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. No one will help. I don't even know if anyone can help. I wish there was some way I could just take a break and sleep or something. I'm losing time. I don't have any time for myself anymore. I love to write. I don't have time to write. I relax when I write. I have fun when I write. Why can't I write? I'm good. Really good. Even my mom thinks so and she hates me. She nevers compliments me or brags about me to anyone and she thinks I good. But she brags about Justin. don't understand that. I'm actually something to brag about. I don't want to get into that again. It seems like every entry I get into how my parents hate me and love my brother and how my brother is such an imature ass. I feel awful now. I love it when I get sidetracked and for a moment I'm not thinking about how much my parents hate me. Well . . . that moment's over now. bye.
luv jayme
ps i'm the old rasclegurl08 lol