Listening to: Linkin Park
Feeling: wounded
why does this summer have to end? I'm not done with it yet! We start school next Monday, and I am so behind on everything. I can't believe how fast everything got ruined and all my plans went to hell. I even quit field hockey to give me more time to take care of everything and it didn't help. I miss field hockey. I just want everything to balance out and I want to get my life back. I'm tired of running from everything. I want to get everything over and done with so that I can have my life back, but I don't have the energy. When will I ever? Isn't there anybody who can help? I have too much to do and too many people depending on me. I spend more time trying not to shutdown than actually trying to do what I have to do. I just want to get this all figured out so that I can regain some sanity and peace of mind. Because without it, what else am I? Nobody? I don't want to find out.
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