ah! my bro said this is piracy from him!
nothing much happened at school...i sat on my chair, listened to my friend blabber about taekwondo and her good-for-nothing significant other... pried pj away from molesting me...sang "My Boo" over and over until our throat hurt...listened half-heartedly to my lessons, and what else? oh, wrote a little...just a story my sister started. she wanted me to help her continue it so i obliged. My aunt's coming home from Vegas tomorrow! I'm excited..there'll be lots of clothes, chocolates, good stuffs and money, money, money......i'm somewhat feeling a little frustrated...i dunno i can't explain, i'm pretty contented with my life but somehow something's missing...i can't pick up the pieces and put it together...damn it doesn't make sense... i gave this site to my friend and told her to check it out... and if she's reading my diary right now...(Mag-comment ka, chesca! ;P)i dunno... am i going to CAT tomorrow...or not? it depends..besides i want to be present when my aunt comes home....guess i'll fuck off for now...haha...