Earth Day

Listening to: Session - Linkin Park
Feeling: dirty
I know that Earth Day was a few days ago... but the Teen Center's earth day was today and I got to go pull ivy and got all dirty. So yeah... gotta shower... OMG! I want a freaking car!! My parents are like... we don't care if we found the perfect car with the perfect deal, you got in a car accident so no. CHRIST!!! Carl got in an accident that was his fault and got a ticket and he didn't lose his liscense AND GOT TO KEEP HIS CAR!! Stupid accident ruined a huge portiion of my life. God damnit... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!
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dude on earth day this girl got cut off by this guy on a cell fone, drove rite over all the lanes on the highway, and plowed over our trees, and landed in the skool's yard. track was delayed for a few minutes. it was intense. sum major action movie junk. poor trees tho..
hehe, steal your parents car!
I didnt get a ticket rae, the cop could find no falt
so glad you can drink with 16, but drive with 18! We don't have those problems over here (Germany).