
Listening to: linkin park - session
Feeling: clueless
ok, umm its me or i can barely read what is on this page because of the color i chose. i need to know which you think is better for this background. red dodgerblue salmon lilac turqoise dark pink yellow green white gray orange brown just comment with your choice or suggestions. thank you
the winner was red but it seemed a little too bright so i combined it with brown and i like it. it looks alot better. thank you to the people who helped. and for those who wanted blue. you werent so far from making it. lol, well ttyl.
Read 17 comments
HI! I am new. Just dropping by. I think dodgeblue is nice so red red, dark pink and orange. :)
lol thanks soo much! i cant type either dont worry bout it
awesome thanks for the help! do u noe where to get the codes for the pop up button things?
i like the dodgerblue alot with it.. n how do u get backgrounds on it?
i like all of them but the white and yellow lol...
I like the lilac, but that is just me.

Kari ;p
i actually think the stupid turquoise shows up best.
I know. Avril isn't really punk, but people shouldn't hate her for that. Yeah, I wanna go goth, but my parents won't let me. Assholes!!!

Kari ;p
green is cool.
I REALLY like your diary.... it like twenty times better than mine.... how did you learn to do... everything, yup pretty much.... yeah...
red is the other oen... yeahhh im smart nowwww

woo hooooo
i say brown or .....i forgot the other one, i think brown is better...hehe

the dark pink or the red looks good and is readable
Thank you so much!!!
dodgerblue or white are the easiest to see
of cooouuurrssseee you can add me I'll add you too, the only thing I would wanna know if how you get the " you can only imagine " to pop up.... I don't know what it's actually called.... yeah.
I actually like salmon or dodger blue...