On the way down. . .

To whom it shall concern, ♥Should I kiss your lips or not, since I don't have a chance♥ Today was o-tay. I went outside for a while and did crap. Fun, I know. I am into my deep mode. Like I'm thinking about deep stuff. As stupid as that may sound. My last entry was deep but, yea. Whatever. Theres alot that I have figured out and realized though. I have found awnsers to alot that has happened this year. Some I realized were good and some not so much but, in the end I guess it all comes together or lets just hope it does:|Anyways. On to a brighter subject. Forth of July Plans or week of the 4th of July plans. I guess I'm not going with Jen this weekend but, next weekend. I wanted to go this weekend cause I feel sort of bad cause next weekend they go camping and Jet sking or water sking or something like that and I feel bad cause I feel as though I am sort of intrudeing. I know dumb but, oh well. Thats me. I am considerate:) Well since I was sappose to go friday with her I am gonna go with my mom shopping instead and then maybe Saturday I can go to Kaylas. A little early for July 4th but, three days there isn't bad. Right? Well 3days 4nights. She'll probally strangle me by the end. lol. J/K. It'll be fun though. Always is with us:) So, I sappose those are my plans. I think that I am gonna go now and watch the Real World:D Bye. Johnna
Read 4 comments
I really like your icons. Do you mind if I use a few of them?

Thanx!!! :-) Oh and I was just at your other diary, the stuff there is really cute.

:O you dont like pink!!well atleast you like my sit diary..thanks for writing back.Do you spend alot of time on your sitdiary?

Hey I was just wondering if you could tell me how you made it so that your links turn around when you put your cursor over them.. and also how you got that little diamond border thing around your entry box.. if you know what im saying.. well thanks