Sick of people

Feeling: pissy
To whom it shall concern, Haha. It's been a while but, I will never forget how I start my SitDiary blog entries=) Anyways.. It has been a while.. Alot has happened since the last time I wrote. Which I think was like November but, I didn't look beofre I started this entry. Well the last time I wrote my brother was home from Arkansas. He's back there now and in love with a walking mental case from up here still.. Which is most likely why I am writing in this right now. I hate fighting with people over stupid shit and stupid people.. Even more when it's my own family.. And exspecially over, nevermind. I'm just so pissed off right now. You wouldn't belive the things I said to my own brother last night but, I feel a little better now. Atleast he knows the truth. If he didn't wanna know the truth then he should have never asked.. Somethings are better left unsaid but I couldn't leave them left unsaid any longer. I have been sitting here watching it all happen and I can't take it anymore. Things just get worse and worse but, never better. It's like a horror movie. When you know somthing bad is going to happen and you wait for the scary music to tell you when but, the the scary music never comes and it just hits you. Blindsides you and there it is.. I know bad anology but, I tried. Anyways, I gotta go. I think I am gonna go back to sleep for a couple hours and then clean up near the pond and make invitations for my petite b-day party on Friday♥

My 16 B-day is Tommorrow♥

Read 3 comments
Johnna! yay you started sit diary back up i like your page its really cool you inspired me to redo mine and write in it...casue i've got a lot on my mind lately and this may help. and i'm sorry your pissed off about the whole your brother and the slut thing...but you knwo i'm here to back you up 100% so i love you and i hope he realizes
FYI: It's called a chemical imbalance and it doesn't make anyone a mental case. Although, I have been called that before. Wonder who taught you that 1
haha, i love your header thing.
instead of the plain old "dear diaryy.."

but, sepia is a bit better than balck &white.

so you're sixteen now. (=
happyy belated birthdayy.
your sitD age still says fifteen. XD