Listening to: Confidence (For You I Will)- Teddy Geiger
Feeling: ecstatic
wooooooo!!!! i just ordered my guitar
SOO EXCITED! it should be here sumwhere between 2-4 weeks!! maddd expensive i should add. but well worth it. its top of the line by Daisy Rock
finally took the time to take my car to the car wash this morning and then cleaned the inside of it this afternoon. it looks so purrdy !
gotta get my Fall schedule approved tomorrow so that i can register tomorrow lol shouldnt be too bad im only taking four classes. Principles of Sociology, Child Pychology, Children's Literature, and Civil War & Reconstruction. PLUS! i have off on mondays!
i cant believe we hafta register for this stuff before were even done with the spring semester AND summer sessions.. wtf?!?! w.e
were starting to plan another trip to Disney World ALREADY! haha prolly sumtime in September well be goin.. so glad. i miss Disney. i wish we could go like once a year at least haha thatd be pretty sweet.
im going to my cousins soccer game in a little while and then when i come home i gotta get my homework done. AHHHH! i hate homework, but its for Forensics, my favorite class (of course we all know why that is LoL) thennn... idk prolly bumming around cuz its sunday and thats what Sundays are for. well im outtie for now..

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