Listening to: Something Corporate
Feeling: bored
its sunday night and theres nothing to do.
my fingers are killing me from playing my guitar cuz there was nothing better to do. i keep telling myself that everything will be better when i go away to school and i dont live at home. but today i was thinking about how awkward thats really gonna be.. not coming home to my room or my things. it'll be a room on a floor in a building on campus. i dunno.. just kinda creeped me out today. the thought of me sitting there alone in that room.
tomorrow means work again. BOO! i think im working almost everyday this week.. and while i should be happy cuz this means ill have a nice big paycheck and i wont just be sitting at home alone..work is starting to annoy me. i feel like im a slave to that place and that they dont really care about me.(which they dont lol) but they should.. im not one of those replaceable teenagers. especially cuz im not a teenager anymore.
and i leave you with this because its pretty amazing.

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