Another entry for today, I'm really bored. Right now I'm talking to Heather and Faith. When am I not talking to Heather when I'm on the internet. Why are we always on? Maybe we need to get some lives. Maybe just me. lol Lately I haven't been into anything. It is sorta scary. Sometimes I just want to lay in bed and stay there for about a billion years. Maybe just sleep. Maybe I'd actually lose some weight that way. Ah, I doubt it. My body would find some damn way to get food. Like I would sleep walk and eat all night and then in the day sleep. Wow, great thought. These are the only thoughts I have been having lately though. Maybe I should just become anorexic... Haha, I could never even skip a meal. Sometimes I think maybe I did something so horrible a past life that got me so fucked up? There is nothing I really believe in. I want to crush because it is so fun when you have a crush, but where does that lead to? Me just getting hurt. Well, what ever. I'm having troubles in my classes. When do I not? People think I'm so put one really knows me...
much lovin,
Wuv ya, Rae xoxo