I got fuckin locked out of the house today and I was sitting outside for a while and came up with the idea that I would go to this little stream that is in my neiborhood.
Well it turns out I had to piss real bad and the water was making it worse so I decided to go explore the woods...
Where I got all of these fantastic cuts and I fell down the side of the hill into the dirty ass water. So that made me hafta piss even more so I found I secluded spot and well...
good god.. I was pissed. and I had to piss. Hilarious...
So I came back home and sat around my backyard for around thirty minutes till my mom came home. I'm just a little tired and my puppy wont leave me alone..
He keeps clawing me...
Well I screamed in his face and now he has left me...
Allright, take care.