
Feeling: bored
hey Ok hey, so yeah... five words in and no actual intelligent phrases yet. A good start, I feel. I woke up early this morning and didn't quite realise it. You know how it is when sometimes you just suddenly figure out that you're awake and that you have been for some time but you didn't quite make the connection? It was one of those. If you haven't had one of those, well... can't help you there, I'm afraid. But I had one. This morning. Early. I think I said all that already. But it's true. Nevertheless... onward! So I snapped 3 pictures of the bay with the new camera on Friday afternoon - it's all still working (the bay and the camera) properly, so that's all good. Waves, etc. And two of my cat, who was not pissing me off at the time, but did after that while I was attempting to sleep on Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night. It was in fact the cat who noticed I was awake and yowled at me which led me to realise this morning that I was in fact awake, as described above. And I also took 5 pictures of two tiny tiny tiny spiders in ornate webs between the bars of the security gates protecting the front and back doors at the house. Man, were they tiny. each one about the size of a granule of instant coffee. The camera had a little bit of trouble trying to autofocus on 'em, so I did it manually in the end; a trick, since my eyes are so shit. But all done. We'll see when I finish the spool and get it developed. No nudie pics of anyone yet... the position of glamour girl/boy/trannie is still available, so please feel free, fellow SITDiarees! Got good and tanked on Saturday night after SpiderMan 2 and hurled abuse at a lot of people at the dinner party I was at. And good and not-tanked yesterday before Shrek 2 and didn't hurl abuse at my mom and sister who I took out to lunch with a mate of mine. SpiderMan 2 brilliant. Shrek 2 pretty good. Oh, yes, and somehow managed to kill about 3 million malaria parasites with an unfortunate bacterial infection, which throws my PhD out by another month. Yay! ok bye
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The best stalkerizations are mutual stalkerizations.

I still haven't seen Spiderman 2 yet. I feel like such a failure.

I think this means I'm going to have to get drunk for breakfast to make up for something. That something being not getting drunk for dinner.