
Spooky You'll recall from two entries ago that I rambled on at length about Claire, shark-attacks, apparent-but-not-quite resurrection (because the kid wasn't really dead, you see) and then spent a goodly amount of text singing the praises of the good folks at Maranello near Modena in Italy, home of the legendary Ferrari. Well, it seems that the good folks at Sant'Agata in Bologna in Italy have stepped up to the plate. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I got up-close and almost personal with a shiny black massive brand spanking new Lamborghini Murciélago. In the carpark, at my mom's office, literally over the road from the Ferrari Shop in Cape Town. Fuck me was it ever awesome. I don't even want to know what the car is worth. You can't get a new Ferrari for under 3 million these days, and Lamborghini have always been a little harder on the wallet than Ferrari, so I'm guessing that little beauty was worth 5 million plus. And it's not little, either - man, that is one enormous car. It's long - a good 15 feet or so. And wide. And (I'm told, and it looks it) extremely heavy - more than two tons. The car is named after a famous bull from a famous bullfight in Italy in 1879. All the Lamborghinis are named after bulls or breeds of bulls - Miura, Diablo, Gallardo et cetera. Ferrucio Lamborghini, founder of Lamborghini, was a Taurus, presumably therein lying the inspiration. Yeah, I know a lot of arbitrary shit about a lot of arbitrary shit. I think I'd do quite well on the Weakest Link. I was inspired yesterday, that's for damn sure. I can see why someone would spend that sort of cash, having been so close to something so awe-inspiring. As I said in the earlier entry (the red 575M), I was big into Lamborghini when I was a kid, because the Countach, the ultimate Lamborghini, had held landspeed records and was the fastest car in the world to my little kid brain, even though I think it held the record in like 1962 or something similar. As I grew older, I became more a Ferrari enthusiast - quite possibly because they were more accessible and easier to find and see in the flesh. To the point where mates and I would catch a bus to town in the school holidays to go catch a movie - it took a while before they moved moviehouses into the suburbs here in .za - and make a point of visiting Bloomsbury Carriage while we were there. This is because the Ferrari shop I now travel past four times a day was nowhere near the moviehouse in town; Bloomsbury wasa two minute walk away. Bloomsbury Carriage was the place you went to when you died if you'd been a good boy, we thought - new and used Ferraris, Porsches, Maseratis, Lotuses, Lancias and Rolls-Royce and the exotic 500SL Mercedes were their usual fare. Once, to our abject horror, someone came in to collect their old blue Ferrari Mondial which had been in for a service, and while he was driving out of the garage behind thɥ showroom, he misjudged the kerb and scraped a shitload of fender and underside off the car. He was probably trying to impress us by doing a neutral-drop and wheelspinning - the four of us were all starry-eyed anyway - and then the nitwit scuffed the fucking thing. We were stunned; he didn't even stop. I picked up some of the shards of Ferrari off the pavement and we all stared at it on the tip of my finger, amazed at the clown's idiocy. (An Aside: I still feel the same way when I see artists on stage smashing up their instruments - if you don't want the guitar, give it to charity, you stupid prick!) Anyway, I have about 50 bucks on me; need about 9 million rand more in .za money and I can have both a 575M Maranello and a funky Murciélago. Donations welcome. -d-
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i am reading this thinking "even when i get a proper job, even when i am 50 years old, i dont think i would ever have enough money to afford one of those things"

although you are a doctor, arent you.

thats really sad about rodney dangerfield. i didnt know he was 82. i never really thought he was funny, i actually disliked him whenever he was in a movie, but all the same its very sad to hear that he died.


Nah. You'd be the strongest competitor and the biggest threat. You'd be toasted early.

Try Jeopardy or that Millionaire show instead.
yeah, but you dont want to marry her man, shes a bit stupid. smart rich chicks... you could go for an actor, a lot of them are pretty smart.

malaria eh? scared to go for the big guns?.... hows about cancer? AIDS? just kidding. i really dont mean to be a dickhead.

so an MD doesnt have a PhD then? is an MD like what we would call a General Practitioner here in australia? like your family doctor?
dont worry, i am going to have a life of poverty aswell after i finish my degree. and if the world was in some kind of crisis, there wouldnt really be any need for me because what i do is considered a luxury.
:-D My dream car was the Lambrigini Diablo. Ooo I love cars like that!

I think I would be wonderful on the gameshow Wheel of Fortune because they always seem to have the most idiotic guests. The puzzle could be T_E GROCER_ _TORE and they would never guess it.

The 70 year old who thinks I'm an idiot is my step-dad. He thinks that because every one in my family doesn't get that I'm 19 and not 9. It's sometimes funny but mostly irritating.
And yes it would be nice to have him knocked off if only for the reason I think I'm in his will. :-P

And psychology definitly is a no-go. I'm definitly not going to graduate school. I'm just not a very good student. Maybe I can sell a million copies of a book or marry some one super rich. In any case, I need to set some goals and reach them.

ah okay.. i heard that GP's over here dont have to do a PhD, do you know if thats true or just a strange rumour?

you forgot the test tube, accompanying your white lab coat. well, you have taught me something about malaria. i had no idea about it being such a serious problem. youll have to forgive my ignorance - malaria is something mosquitos carry, isnt it? which is a problem in areas with water, lakes etc? i think they call it... cont'd
... i think they call it ross river fever here. or ross river fever might be very similar to malaria. i know someone thats had ross river fever and its pretty terrible.

so, sorry i dont know much about it. but am i right assuming that its not a big threat in western countries? or is that totally wrong?

im doing architecture. if there is ever a problem with the economy, or an impending election, or rising oil prices, the building industry gets held back because its a luxury. thank god im not trying to make a living from interior design.