Listening to: gavin degraw~chariot
Feeling: happy
hey everybody! before i tell ya about my day i'm gonna tell u a poem i wrote and it's called invisible:
i am the wind
i see you, but you can't see me
i pass you by without you realizing i'm there
oh i'm the wind
i'm nothing but air
trying to get to you with all my might
but you don't see me trying
because i'm invisible to you
i am water
i slip through your grasp
i escape to the floor, dry up, and disapear
you see me but you're not looking
if you were looking you'd see
see what i'm feeling towards you
but you don't see the feelings
because i'm invisible to you
i am an angel
i follow you everywhere you go
i help you when you fall
i stand by you and wipe away your tears
i touch your hand for comfort
and help you through all the hard times
but you don't see me with you
because i'm invisible to you
please comment on my poem and if u want tell me wut u think it means, i want to see if u can guess ;-) well today was really windy and it was so cool. i went to samana's house and then chelsea came over to samana's house so we just sat outside on samana's porch and talked and had the wind blowing and it was so cool. me and samana chose our classes to take for high school. on monday we're probably gonna try and go to mrs. combs, the guidance counsler, so we can ask a few questions that we have and stuff. i love my new haircut, it's so purty :-D hehe! well i'm gonna go, lyl! bye!
well LyLas! --Sam
~*~GrEEn Fairy~*~