
Feeling: burned
hey, well i'm just burnt like really bad...it hurts. i can't lift my arms at all or scrunch up my face and it's just complete pain. i'm startin' to get the blisters...but my mom and dad went out and got me some of this stuff that helps alot and i'm about to take a cool bath cuz my shoulders need that. well reed and his family left today :'(...and i didn't get to see him at all after the trip either...poo. well kathy sent my mom some pics. from the trip and my mom forwarded it to my computer so now i have reed to look at whenever i want :-)...she replied bak to kathy and also told her to give reed my AIM sn for me, YAY...cuz i didn't get to do that this morning, i slept in too late. so now it's all good...............except for the sunburn of course. i got a few more days of pain ahead of me. well literally all i did today was sit infront of the tv and watch VH1 b/c they had this thing called Live 8 on and they had a bunch of ppl come on and sing and it was mainly to let ppl be aware of wut's happening in africa w/ the starving ppl and how ppl there are dying ever 3 seconds. it's pretty sad...so yeah they're hoping that from this ppl will try and get the government to do something about it...and i hope they do b/c they showed wut some of the kids look like and uhh...it's not really a pretty sight...i was on the verge of tears. :'( well gonna go take a bath. so lyl, byez! :-) p.s. if any of you know how to get a picture into one of my entries...plz tell me cuz i wanna show some pics. from the trip. thx!
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