
Listening to: 104.7
Feeling: placid
OMG!!!!!!! THERE IS THIS STUPID GIRL AT MY SCHOOL NAMED BRITTANY BUT SHE LIKES TO BE CALLED "BOB" WHICH I STILL THINK IS DUMB.....BUT SHE'S TALKING CRAP ABOUT ME!!!!!!! MY BEST FRIEND AMBER OVERHEAD HER SAYING HOW I SHOULD STOP TRYING TO BE PUNK AND GO CLIMB BAK IN THE WHOLE THAT I CAME FROM!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE HER MAD AT ME AND EEERRRR!!!!!!!! I SERIOUSLY HATE HOW PPL ARE SOOO STUPID NOW, THEY JUST TALK SHIT ABOUT PPL WITHOUT THINKING THAT THE PERSON HAS FEELINGS AND THEIR OWN CRAP IN THEIR LIVES THAT THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH W/O HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT STUPID B*TCHES TALKING BAD ABOUT THEM!!!!!!!!! IT'S JUST NOT RITE!!!!!!!!!! AND I DO NOT KNOW HOW PPL GOT SO STUPID NOW A DAYS, BUT IT REALLY NEEDS TO STOP CUZ IT SUX!!!! >:0 ok i'm done with all that, i really needed to get that out of my system. i'm not even friends with this girl and she's talking bad about me. she was in my 6th grade class and even then i knew she'd become a whore....and looky here, i was rite! i even tried warning my best friend samana about her and to stop being friends with "bob" cuz i knew that she'd end up hurting her and me someday. oh and she's also talking crap about my other best friend chelsea and saying she's a poser and crap. AND ABOUT HER SAYING I SHOULD STOP TRYING TO BE PUNK, WUT THE FREAK DOES IT MATTER TO HER??? SHE NEEDS TO WORRY ABOUT HER OWN LIFE AND LEAVE MINE ALONE!!!!! AND JUST STAY OUT OF MY BUSINNESS, CUZ IT'S MY LIFE AND I CAN BE PUNK IF I WANNA BE! wow, ok i'm done with that. anyways....other than that stupid a*shole.......my day was ok i guess. i think i'm just gonna have to let liking taylor go.......cuz obviously he doesn't like me....oh well, *sigh*.......i just have bad luck with guys and getting them is like really hard for me. so leave a comment and give me some advice or something.....i usally don't cuss, but rite now i'm really mad...lol...oh and if u don't know me don't start thinking i'm like wut "bob" said. i'm not like that :-( .....well lyl, bye!
Read 5 comments
i dont have friends
thank you very much for reminding me@!!!!!!!!!!
your not punk!!!!
if you were you would be a whore and i mean a dirty whore and you would of kick that other dirty whore ass as soon as you found out she was talking shit
that always worked for me i would call the fuck out act crazy and i would either scare them enough that they back off and leave me alone or i would kick there ass or i myself would get my ass kick but i didnt really give a fuck still dont!!!!!!!!
hey, ok weLL if yaLL waNNa read my diary and sEE what i have to say tOO go rite ahead, it's the last paragraph with aLL caps!! i hate bob, she's a fuckin whore and she's the one who turned arielle into a bitch!!!!! >:0 but don't let her down bri...just like my journal...if she says anything more and i know about it @ skOOl i wiLL personaLLy kick her aSS and when im this mad...im capable of doing anything harmful to PPl!!

~*~GrEEn Fairy~*~
i didn't mean dont let HER down but dont let her let YOU down!! LoL my bad!!

~*~GrEEn Fairy~*~