
Feeling: bored
hey. well chelsea and denton are having problems. she feels he's gettin' annoyed of her or something. and i know how that feels...when i talk to some guyz i feel that they just want me to shutup or something. i sure hope they work things out b/c she really likes him and yeah... so yesterday my mom got 'pretty in pink' another movie from the 80's w/ the main chick from the breakfast club and sixteen candles in it. i loved it! so today my dad copied it for me, yay!! oh and last nite i watched ghost hunters...chelsea didn't cuz she didn't feel like watching it for some reason. so it was really good, they were on a battleship and the 2 leaders went around the ship and stuff and heard things falling, banging, and they heard footsteps and voices. it was so cool! my heart was beating really fast! eventually they came to a dead end where the thing went so it wasn't a person cuz if it was, then how would it have gotten out of the dead end. YAY! i love ghosts :-) today was math and english. in math i took a test, i think i did good on it. then after that we had to do hw, i'm almost done w/ that but don't have to finish it unil monday b/c that's when the next A day is. then it was english, the teacher always has fun activities for us. she's cool. today we got to get w/ a partner and read the book we're reading called stargirl together. omg i love that book...it's good! my partner was mindy. oh and i wanna join the bowling team for my school. idk anything about it, but only that they have a bowling team...lol. and i told chelsea i wanna do it and so does she, so i'm excited! me and her can have competitions together and stuff and i'll feel so good to actually be apart of some team...plus, i like bowling. but yea, everyone else is on football, basketball, volleyball, or cross country and i'm like in NOTHING, nada! so i hope this is a good chance to join something. :-) and i'll have bunches of fun ok well that's all for tonight i guess. so bye bye, lyl! x-x-x-brI-x-x-x
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I REALLY hope we can join too...that would be coolie!! :-D and yea...I hope me and Denton work it out tooz! :(

fine don't say anything about me going out for the basketball team...just kidding. i actually got my physical today and i start monday...yay!!! finall after 2 years, i get to play.. but anyways, well see ya in geography class..lol...well ttyl..lylas