intoxicate me now.

Listening to: headstrong
Feeling: torn
soo my olivia came homeee today!yayyy! and only 3 days to my t.hughey comes homee. yayyyyyy i miss her soooo muchh :D woow today has been suchh a long day. first daylight savings sucks ass when you loose an hour of sleep. nott cool woww i love new york. well like just about all of broome county is flooded. so i spent the entire day at my grandmas hauling shit from the basement. then went with bill all over the fucking place tyring to find some pump. which i happened to be the one to find. but still when we got back bill got all the credit. and might i add i still havent heard the end of how helpful my sister was. why does stuff like that bother me? gayy. and then i got into a huge fight with my dad. well actually it was my dad talking but sandees stupid ass issues with me that was actually coming through the recevier so whatever. i honestly wanted to be like bitch.. dontt piss me off. but anyway.. im sooo tired right now. i still have to finish my closet. and have yet to even look at the research paper thats due tomorrow. thats cute. my day was completely wasted. and i probably wont have time to get on the tredmill today eaither. which definitely does not make me happy. ughh whyy is this kid stuckk in my head!!! school tomorrow. deff not lookin forward to that.. how is it that in this world full of people i feel so completly alone.
Read 2 comments
daylight savings does suck
fuck it!!!!
wish it was fall
thanks :-P