Listening to: milkshake
Feeling: dancy
Countdown until braces come off: 10 days So yesterday I was extremely bored so i went through some cds and starting making dances to them. Sometimes i wish I could show the world my dancing like on a music video or in a live performance in front of thousands and thousands of people. I love performing in front of people, and to be a background dancer to a hip-hop song or w/e would be amazing!! Sometimes at school i have this urge to just throw my shit down and start dancing in the middle of the hallway. Could i ever get the balls to do it? Yesterday, Andrea had this urge to do a bridge to strech out her back, and i told her to go for it. I wish i could do something like that. GO ANDREA!! So i have been listening to a lot of hip-hop music lately and love it!! So much fun to dance to!! So today i have to film this stupid spanish video. Our script sucks so we need some crazy ideas to make it hilarious. I was thinking about having each of us do something completely random...or have man voices come from our mouths like all those stupid comercials. ~meeg
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:claps hands: i nearly broke my back doing a bridge on the table! how funny would we have looked if we both did it...at the same time. WOO HOO LESBIANS.

i need to come see you dance sometime. I bet you'd go all out to mold dat APPLE!
I'll randomly dance w/ ya in the halls if you just ask me!!! <3 Lella