Listening to: Owner of a lonely heart - Yes
Feeling: content
I'm probably going to my dad's today and spending the night... He lives like an hour away so... It's not like I see him that much... I got him a T-shirt... A custom one... nothing fancy... One for his new hobby... He's been into this DJ and karaoke stuff lately... he's making money with it... so at least the hobby pays for itself... I should help him out... maybe make some money... I like music... and electronical stuff...
A man who begets or raises or nurtures a child.
why not? horoscopes...
Look forward to having a rare carefree day, one in which you could be motivated by desires that are not part of the usual agenda. A friend could use a good listener. A charity needs a volunteer. A pet needs petting.
A series of coincidences is working in your favor. Someone feels jealous of you, so today is spent micromanaging things you might never have foretold. A possible soulmate is on the scene, even if you are too busy to look around.
You will want to run away from problems, but taking responsibility for your actions is the only successful solution. An apology will solve the current crisis, if it is delivered soon.
peace and love...