Listening to: Hey Jude - The Beatles
Feeling: content
In just a few my folks will be gone! I RULE THIS HOUSE! ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *raises sword above his head* BY THE POWER OF.... my house? *cough* anyways... I think I need to take a trip and get that faux fur... maybe not tomorrow... um more like Monday or Tuesday... I'm going to just think up what I'll need tomorrow before I blow my cash... beautiful money! *cough* I mean! I have no need for materialistic possessions! Um like... this money.. So I’m getting rid of it in the most efficient way for me... like buying stuff I don't need... hmmm.... I wonder how much fur I can buy......... wonderful.... soft........ Fur.......................................
Not much at all today... other than this of course...
Peace and love...
You might reveal more than is the norm for your secretive self. Do not blame the other person; the stars are aligning for you to have a major slip of the tongue.
Money disputes among friends may put you in the referee's chair. Look out for a potential soulmate whose stories don't match up. You have to weigh love against the evidence.
Your career objective has a social side that you have been neglecting. Get out and meet people to secure your employment and job goals.
Partnerships and the give and take that come with them are highlighted all day in a challenging manner. Your goal should be to overcome differences without sacrificing your individuality.
Your restlessness will get worse if you stay indoors for too long. Summer comes around only once a year, so get out and move around. Find a variety of things to do today if you are stuck inside or are immobilized.
There is a conflict between what you feel obligated to do and what you will be told to focus on. Taking instruction may be difficult if you have no faith in the instructor.
peace and love...