Listening to: Freakazoid theme
Feeling: freaked
Holiday World was great... I'd say my favorite ride was... The Pepsi Oasis! I know it's not actually a ride , but you go in and the a/c is all like whoosh and then there's a cup and you can even mix different soda and your all like wow this is cool and then you drink it... Oh the rest of the park was cool too... Afterwards I hurt two of my left toes... badly... ouchies... yes it hurts... a lot... and it's very gross too... stupid defective sandals...
As for today... nothing really... I would've had to mow the lawn until they saw my foot... Ok, so at least one good thing came out of it... I would of rather mowed the lawn though... Oh! I checked out the Gorillaz website! Very Sweet... with a hint of sour... in a good way...
I love the Freakazoid show... It has to be one of the best show's CN came up with... I wish it was still on CN... Actually come to think of it I liked the Road Rovers too but that kinda went without saying... CURSE YOU CARTOON NETWORK! PROVIDING ME WITH GOOD SHOWS ONLY TO TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!! CURSE YOU!!! And now! Relaxo-Vision! *calm background music plays and you see images of tiny bunnies playing in a field of flowers*
Freakazoid theme
Peace and Love...
Tomorrow's Horoscopes!
Your chance at promoting your favorite cause or ideal has arrived. It will be especially successful if it involves you directly. Focus on self-improvement and beginning a new routine of positive personality alterations.
Some fact you could not remember reemerges; a piece of the larger puzzle of your life falls into place. You can easily accomplish a looming task and meet a tense deadline with ease this afternoon, especially when armed with the information you yourself have put together.
Get ready for a new, and perhaps uncomfortable, level of visibility. You could languish in the public eye for some time now, so prepare to hold on to your secrets closely. A soulmate is featured, although the public persona of this individual could be shocking at first.
A possible love interest could inspire you, just as you are about to move on. Look to avoid the confusion by embracing what you had previously given up. While you cannot expect it to last forever, there is something inspirational to draw from today's encounter.
Position yourself for a chance to move up in status. Prepare to speak with important people and practice a witty, inoffensive comeback or two. Look to soon glide into social circles you only imagined yesterday.
Your comfort level is increasing, as the details have been taken care of to ensure your feelings of security and warmth. A pleasurable afternoon should be embraced, as the rest of this week is looking a bit more chaotic than usual.
A promise involving money or material possessions is made this afternoon. Look to be patient to see this through. Your wait could be made easier over the next few weeks with faith in yourself and the choices to which you commit.
Partnership exploration pays off, but in a romantic manner that favors the desires of your significant other. If pleasing this person has been high on your list, you will have come full circle, but if your needs are not being met, you will have to be vocal to the point of being abrasive.
This is a day to get a commitment in writing from someone, be it a contract or a love poem. Negotiations should not carry on too much longer, as a disruption in your luck is inevitable soon. Press for a final agreement.
Your ability to ask and receive is back. Take advantage of it today, as a coming period of tension could leave you alone if you have not solidified particular relationships. You do not need a commitment as much as a promise of one.
Your experience pays off today. You can get a new project rolling by pointing out your extensive qualifications. A possible lover will be impressed by the ease with which you accomplish difficult-looking tasks.
A financial investment is favored, but your commitment to a love relationship may require a more direct approach. Look at your possible soulmate as a riddle to be solved in a tender and caring manner. When you get to the punch line, the surprise will be quite pleasurable.
Do not envy a sinner, you know not the fate that awaits them...
