Listening to: Mothers Little Helper - Rolling Stones
Feeling: bored
bored... bored people are boring huh? hmmm... well my folks are taking a trip next week... well actually they leave this weeked but they'll be gone for a whole week so it'll just be me and my brother Josh... Josh of course doesn't really count as human contact... Besides the usual wailing and me having to feed him and give him his meds... I may not see anyone... I have no idea what i'm going to do while there gone... not that there ever really here considering they just sleep all day so they can go to work at night... *sigh*
Tomorrows Horoscopes...
It is probably too embarrassing to seek a loan, but the role of other people's money is playing a major role in your life. Look to invest in people who are committed to seeing a project through to its completion.
Make a small change to your domestic situation as you ponder whether to entertain at home over the summer. The phase you begin today emphasizes security and trust. Good friends are waiting to hear from you.
This is the day to tell someone something that they want to hear. Wait for the right person who appreciates you for who you are to really open up. For everyone else, there are social pleasantries.
Your money situation is about to improve, as some funds you forgot about are suddenly made available for your pleasure. This is a great opportunity to relax at the beginning of summer.
Travel is suddenly an important option, one you might not have noticed before today, but one which you cannot now ignore. A chance to raise your profile awaits you out of town.
peace and love...
