Listening to: Animal - Mudmen
Feeling: better
trying to take my mind off my ex... It's really just not healthy... well anyway here goes! hope you learn something... and I hope you still talk to me...
decided to rant about furry... One because I like furry... It makes me feel all better inside... And second since being a furry is actually somewhat important to me... you do know what I'm talking about when I say furry right? Forgive me if you do... but I better try to explain in for the people who won't... trust me... I've had a lot of practice... I've had to tell A LOT OF PEOPLE... that's ok... the more people I tell... the more people will accept it...
I guarantee you've seen furries hundreds of times... there all around you... There are sure to be some on your TV right now as we speak... You've grown up with them... You've laughed with them... Sometimes you may have had the crap scared out of you by them... Characters like Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse and many poplular cartoons are furries... Werewolves are furries... Anubis was a furry (in ancient times they were worshipped!!)... Catgirls (*me talking* woof!)... Inuyasha... I could go on and on but I think you get the point... A furry has both human and animal like characteristics (normally physical) or (in my case) a fan... yes... I ♥ furry! I'm not saying all furries are cartoonish or something... Furry is a lot of things... Furry is an art form... There are many very talented furry artists out there drawing and painting furry creations... Sadly I can't draw a straight line with the ruler glued to the paper... I suck at drawing... terribly... Anyway!! I'm not saying there all drawn either... some people dress up in real life like there favorite animal and hang out at conventions and such (fursuits)... why? I dunno... I could probably tell you why I do it... but chances are everyone has there own reason for liking it... Why am I a furry? Probably because when the teachers asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up... I would say a lion... or a wolf... or some other animal I liked at the time... Of course... They'd laugh.... They thought I was joking... Does that make me crazy? probably ^_^ ... I think I'm crazy... Like a fox! LOL... don't just take my view on the subject... search it online... note to stay away from the stuff that says yiffy or spoogey or something...^_^' Chances are... you'd be a little freaked out... just stick to the non adult stuff for a while... you may thank me... unless you decide your into that... *cough* I am *cough*... and most importantly... something I wish everyone would do... Keep and open mind... who knows... you may like it too... and if you do and your cute I'd like your phone number! *wink*
on with my ranting! Huzaah!
I really can't stand it when people refer to furry as if it was just a weird fetish... They don't realize that furry is a somewhat normal lifestyle... As long as I can remember I've always been a furry... Even when I didn't even know what it was... I always imagined myself as a wolf or a cat... Wolves and felines being the animal types that describe me best... BTW I ♥ being petted!! my ex would pet me... *sigh* she was kinda furry too... yeah there are almost as many furry fan girls as there are furry fan guys... almost... we need more girls! Ladies step right up!... Anyway... It's like in my past lives I were those animals or something you know? Oh!... there cuddly... great for hugs! I ♥ hugs! I wasn't hugged enough as a child I think... Um... That sounded wrong... ^_^' Anyway... Recently I've seen these things on TV trying to show furries and... I HATE THEM!! They take out the most extreme parts of the furry fandom and present them in a sideshowish manor! Like! Step right up folks! take a look at the freaky furry fans as they rape each other while biting the heads off chickens! ARGH! MTV portrayed it as just guys who dressed up in modified mascot costumes going to big get togethers and having hardcore gay sex with each other... yeah... It happens... but that’s like what? 5-10% of us furs who are into that kinda stuff (and less with fursuits/partners to do it, I don't really have statistics)... Don't get me wrong... I love sex... ^_^ ..... I need more... but i'm definetly NOT going into that.... ANYWAY!
I think MTV should stick to something they know and just play the music videos! Instead of coming up with ways of shocking people while belittling the lifestyles of helpless minorities like furries! I mean that’s like saying anyone who likes anime has to like hentai and stuff... not true... Or saying that all Christians go to church every Sunday even when there terminally ill or something, That there all Mormons, and that there ALL bigots... not true... Or that all gay people have huge bulging muscles and 3 foot penises and... and.......... and........ where was I? Anyway...There are always extremists... I don't think extremists are automatically wrong... It's a free country... or at least should be anyway... It's just not right to only show there side! oh, if you wondering why we furs have yiffy and spoogey stuff like that in the first place... Because were human (most of us furs don't like that but we are...)... and as humans... we like sex... and we usually like to do things we consider fun while having said sex... not all of us do... It's as simple as that... So it doesn't surprise me that half of the furry stuff your going to see while on the internet will have sex... it IS the internet... I'm sure we haven't heard the last of the issue... Trust me... we haven't.... Next thing you know this ignorant garbage about furry being some kind of evil entity is going to be plastered all over the news and stuff! *sigh* You know what? You can bet I'll send them letters too! Grrrrr! Furry pride! Note to self... ask the people of Sitdiary to add yiffy to the current mood options... ^_^
love and peace(and fur!)
I feel much better... Ex? ex who? ^_^ .... I deserve someone better anyway... someone more caring... and I can trust (trust is good)... I'll find her/him...
thanks guys... it always helps when I can get things off my chest and actually get someone elses oppinion too...
excuse me now... I'm going to go practice my howling...

*does a little dance of happiness*
Yeah, trust is definetly big and important. I wish I could've gotten my mind off my ex as easily =.
and what I think counts.
lets be BEST friends...
and save up money to make fursuit...
Hey hey, want MY number *wink wink*
I think I have a leoperd suit somewhere...
i hoped it worked., and goodluck.
did she do something bad to you?
sorry* its not any of my buisness..♥
^_^ LMAO!