Listening to: Lust for Blood - Gackt
Feeling: bittersweet
Hey all!
Some very good and very bad news...
Good news! Finally got my computer back! (obviously) My friends from comic quest and I have ordered a bunch of mini's off Reapermini.com! Lupine Lord! WOOT!!
Now some very bad news... My best friend Kyle is probably going to be grounded... Big time... From what he said... No computer, No Comic Quest, No games, basically nothing... I won't know how bad it its until tomorrow... Which sucks REALLY bad... I've never been at CQ without him.... I don't know if it'll be the same... Besides I'm still a noob so half the time I don't know what I'm doing... He said he may be grounded for months... I know his dad is supposedly looking after his best interest but... Keeping him away from his friends and his girlfriend for months? She was supposed to be with him on Labor Day... They had it all planned out... she was going to drive ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE and then his dad starts talking about not letting him see her over things that are really not his business... I mean Kyle IS 18! Even if he wants to screw up his education it's his choice to make... Besides he isn't doing that badly anyway... He definetly does a better job than me... *sigh* Why are so many dads stupid? I mean I should know... I've had a few... You should of heard Kyle... He even had an idea of running off and living with Marry... heheh I swear when they start living together you won't be able to pry them apart with a crowbar... Luckily I was there to point out that running away with her... while semi-romantic... was pretty extreme... He should at least finish High School...
Peace and Love...
Tomorrow's Horoscopes!
Luck and love are intertwined today, as you attract the attention of someone you barely knew up until only recently. If things need to be kept secret, you will be able to avoid temptation in this regard.
A surprise occurs when you suddenly understand what is going on. A secret that others are trying to keep from you is now obvious, but they do not yet realize this. The waiting game will go in your favor.
A partner is blessed with some luck today, and you can share a bit of reflected glory too. Enjoy the edge of the spotlight and take in an otherwise pleasant day.
Passion and romance could activate today, although a creative project with which you are obsessed is likely to take precedence. Even though it may be difficult, strive to keep some focus on projects that bring in income.
Career opportunities are linked to your recent work routine. Someone in a position of influence could be convinced that you are the right person to move up. Make an appeal today.
Communication is emphasized in a dramatic manner today. This is an afternoon of poetry and song, although some trouble is indicated if you forget your previously scheduled appointments.
Forging an alliance with someone out of your past is advised. Better to go with someone, anyone, than to face the current crisis alone. Noisy settings will lessen your accomplishments. A quiet place to explain things helps your cause.
Partnerships could be so involved this afternoon that you will seem like an elegant juggler. You may have to flit from room to room in order to keep everyone happy, but socializing is favored and companions are eager to see you in any capacity.
Money is featured today; perhaps some source of income that you had forgotten about will become apparent. If someone asks to borrow money today, it is a sign that your life is a bit out of balance.
Your recent troubles will vanish as a sudden and possibly permanent solution is chanced upon. The comments of those around you will tell you more than you need to know about any of their true intentions.
Get ready to take a big gamble. This is one day to really ask for what you want, but be careful, you will probably get it. Be sure you know what you are getting yourself into when you go out looking for attention.
Daydreams and flirtations could take you away from your work. A struggle over who is in charge could distract your pleasant afternoon and even disrupt plans you have made for the evening.
p.s. I hope you the best Kyle...
Kyle if your reading this I found some mini's you may be interested in...
To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu
