Fucking sick.

Feeling: sick

I am in such a shitty mood this morning. It's mostly because I am sick. I am horribly sick, and I am getting worse. I really hate being so sick and I don't know why I am just getting sicker. I just fucking hate this I can't breath and my voice sounds awful I am constantly tired. All I want is to be held and whine about how horrible I feel but no one wants to listen to that. So I am going to sit here and hope I get better my results should come back today fr my tests. And I am worried. I hate tests, I hate waiting for tests they set my nerves on edge...Riva has been on another planet last two days, I dunno why but something feels weird.

Maybe it's just me. Who knows. I am just miserable. Riva is asleep right now, I think I will just let her sleep today maybe she will be in a better mood or something. My meds are making my head all cloudy I am just so bleeeeh.

On other notes of my morning I sneezed like mad and fell off my bed. And the miso soup I got tastes like utter crap. Disappointing to say the least. I didn't sleep well, I was up every other hour coughing and tossing and turning and coughing and sneezing and groaning. It was horrible. Gah! why do I have to get so sick this time of year?!?!

I am going to go lay down or something and cough probably and sneeze, and otherwise hate everything.

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