smiggity giggity.

ALRIGHT. ENOUGH. so i was walking home the other day...down our little dirty back alley and ran into this very fraile-tired-dirty little old man and we began to have a brief and quiet chat about how lovely the day was and about how sad he was to have no place to live. so of course i being the great and sensitive young man that i am actually this time took out my wallet to give this poor little old man some cash...for drugs or booze or a hooker maybe whatever it was that he needed to take his little old mind off of being homeless... so while im proceeding to hand this little old man a few crisp dollar bills...the old bastard side blinds me with the bag or fucking bricks he mustve been carrying and WHAM im down and my wallet is G-O-N-E. whats the lesson of this little tale? FUCK OLD HOMELESS PEOPLE...THEYRE BASTARDS. SERIOUSLY. the one time i actually try to do anything NICE it ends with me getting 10 stitches to the side of my pretty little head. "I swear if I ever find you WALTER!" ----------------------- SO HOWS THE SEX-IN? OR THE LIV-IN? ------------- its to the point where i kindasorta forget i still have this little diary o' mine. ive been busy HUSTLIN' and BUSTLIN' and working on my new career as a halfcrazyitalianwhateverelse rapper. IM TAKIN' IT TO THE STREETS Y'ALL! now all i need is one of those fitted-hats-with-the-sticker-still-on-it. a pair of neon white nikes. some faded chick jeans 4 sizes too big. and one of those weird patterned sweatshirts that make me dizzy i see all of the little nay-o wannabes wearing. --------------------------------------------- i think this is where ill mention i got some last night...and it was fantastic...for me anyway. whats the word birds? the GREAT -alexander aka alexicious
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Congratulations Alexander [onedeath]!Youve won a VALUABLE PRIZE!For more information on how to claim your reward contact ME at!
Im better stop gettin yer skull bludgeoned or youll be droolin like Casius Clay before you know it! You still livin in a madhouse? beta
Im not helpin the homeless, or bein a rap star or havin hot monkey sex. Im just lookin for ALPHA..always & forevermore trailin the GREAT ONE. Scott
Hmm..ALPHA yer fan club base of support appears much diminished..due no doubt to yer lengthy absences while in search of ADVENTURE & ARSE! [nerses]
don't you dare get the hat.