
case of? most likely. ALEXANDER/S MOOD RECIPE -------------------------------- Ingredients: 1/2 cup of horniness 1 tsp of complete rage 1 bottle of voddie 1 bottle of bacardi 151 1/4 cup of self-loathing 1 cup of sway 1 cup of broken hand 1/2 lb of beef -------------- now slowly stir in all ingredients while blasting heavily obnoxious music while all of your friends are in the next room annoying the hell out of you in no real way but accomplishing it nonetheless. bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until i am completely about to freak out. ---------------------------------- i dont know what my issue is. but its there. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ALEXANDER THE MISANTHROPE
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hey asparagus. i miss you. if you could've seen my expression when i saw this update, you'd have smiled. it was like...wild, hands-waving, giddy-giggly-laughter, jumping-up-and-down, i-feel-like-i'm-at-disney-world type happy.

i ate asparagus for dinner tonight. *wink*
also, let me know how the myspace thing goes. you'd be one of my few friends, if you accept me. i'm very picky. and you are awesome.