Listening to: we\'re gunna eeeelope 2 meeeejico
from L to R (left as in ur left hand) there's me, andrea, jamie, amanda kissing jamie, stephy, nathan, evan, and in front in the orange is steph
amanda and me blowing kisses
whole group pic ::takes deep breath::
back row from L to R christian, scot, stephy, jamie, then amanda sorta crouching there in back then me posing like a loser, then in front crouching is steph, andrea, and valeria
another group pic
me and steph have the same awesome belts!
we do pyramids cuz we're that cool, im not gunna name us all again u shud know who we are by now.
here i an edited version of that pic :-D
everyone falling from the pyramid and andrea smiling 4 the camera
i took this picture so im not there and christian really wasnt into teh whole group pics thing so hes in the back there.
amanda, andrea, and valeria.. on each otehr lol i guess they fell... and stephy on the left and me on the right mooning the camera.. with pants on lol.
Yes. Pyramids are cool. Go you.
Oh well. Those mean kids who made fun of me are probably mindless stoners now! ^^
I know. Derrick is smecksay.