yesterday was cool, we had tryouts in 1st period and i think i got a cool part, and we had an assembly nd period and i got an award for districts, umm 3rd prd was blah as always and 4th period was cool cuz me and andrea talked a lot and it was fun 5th period... oh yeah 5th period was boring as always.. and 6th period since we have class mixed with some 7th graders we had to go to the assembly again and we couldn't sit still and we played with our little winners circle coupons lol (who rly uses those anyway?)and we got in trouble a lot but ms euler covered for us..
then me, jamie, steph, valeria, and scot walked home (amanda was camping, christian was at his dads bday, and andrea wasnt allowed) and we listened 2 their ipods and yelled at ppl 2 give us their tots.. and sum ppl took it kind of meanly...
but its all good :)
we rented the haunting and we got home and listened 2 scot play -MY GUITAR-
see there they are he's singing his love 4 her (steph edited this pic)lol in MY room with MY guitar.. but they're just so lovable aren't they? and we all know they love each other.. i mean..uhh.. scot loves her.
then we watched the haunting and it wanst scary at all- in fact do not rent it, u may get nightmares from the talking house.
then everyone slowly left but we kept talking and it was fun or as jamie said "hot"
and 2day im doing nothing except maybe sleepign all day.

& i really like yours too. it's so awesomeeeeeee =] i love the top picture & your background. haha it's really cute.
♥ emmalee
just take the spaces out &i x3 your layoutt =). its soo cool