Listening to: evanescence-missing
Feeling: unattractive
a wisper in the night
tells a sadend story
of a cherished girl
broken and bruised
living only to please others
she did not love herself
and every night
when the blood flowed
trying her best
to ease the pain
she realised slowly
with every drop
she was dieing
no one could save her now
and she wasn't sure
that she even wanted to be saved
the scars show the pain inside
not seen only because
no one was looking
if you truly knew her
you'd understand why
this has been done
her heart is full of guilt
remembering a night
she was too selfish to save others
thinking only of herself
and every day
when veiwing the reflection seen
knowing she can't change
she's disgusted by the sight
secretly she's crying
but you only see her smile.
s'okay. yeah sure you can add me, and thanks. not alot of people like my poems as most are about suicide an death and " self-harm " but oh well, from what i've read on your diray it's brilliant. And your poems and fantasic. Joanna XxX
joanna XxX