Let's Get Crazy!

Listening to: Wild n Out- MTV
Feeling: torn
Today was a good day. I think it's time for me to write a private entry, so I think I may after I write this one! :) Last night, the CN football game was ok. The first half of the game was really bad and boring. Maybe it was because someone wasn't talking. Then, finally the guys came over and started talking and everything else was ok. We went to Baskin Robbins because the game was boring. We ended up winning, so that is good! :) Well, now I can't remember so maybe we didn't win? Haha, after the game I walked back to my car and that was that. Today, I woke up around 9 so that I could get ready for the Carolina game. We picked up Calle around 11:15 and then went to the store. After that, we left and went to tailgate. That was not that fun. There wasn't that many people there that Calle and I knew. At one point it got so hot, we sat in the car with the air conditioning on. We ended up sitting in there for an hour and listening to music. That was pretty fun itself haha. After that, we went to the game. We went to our seats for about 2 minutes and then we left. It was so hot having to sit there. Plus, it was clausterphobic. We went up to the ramp and stayed there the whole time. Everyone was there. Will came over after half time and hung out with us the rest of the time. We left the game after the third quarter because we were losing. Suprise. We walked back to our car and waited for Niki to come back from wherever she was. We had to take Calle, Sam, Niki, and Will back to my house and then everyone's parents came to my house to pick them up. Haha, the car ride wasn't that bad. ;)After everyone left, I showered and now I'm here. I'm soo tired, so I'm going to sleep! Good night! :)
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i like your background. it makes me happ :)
