I Don't Want Another Pretty Face

Feeling: stellar
I want to write a real entry. One that expresses my emotions in a way that I haven't ever written before. I just can't think of a way to do it. I enjoyed my day off today. I did pretty much nothing. Jesse McCartney was on The View today. He looked super gorgeous and was just amazing. I put my hand on the screen touching his face and I felt like I was there. After that, I was in awe after seeing him. I had to go to basketball practice, where we talked more about him and how we wished he would come to our school. Practice wasn't hard and I was glad to come home. I saw Jesse again on TRL looking just as good and I put my hands on the screen again. I've never had a crush on a celebrity like I do on him. The feeling that you get every time you see him is hard to explain. I don't want to be like every other crazy girl that is a fan of Jesse. I want to be that special girl in his life. I know every other girl in America would also like to be "That special girl." My dream may never come true, but I want to see him in person. I would like to have his autograph. The way he smiled into the camera when he was performing, was amazing. It felt like he was looking right at me and warmth spread all over me. Right now, I don't really like anyone. There are guys at my school, but no one in particular that I like. I wish I had a boy friend. I've learned that you don't need a boyfriend to have fun. That's where friends and family come in. I haven't thought about having a boyfriend for a while, until this morning when I saw Jesse McCartney. Wouldn't it be awesome that the time I go to NY and hopefully see Regis and Kelly, that Jesse is on that episode? Wow. I would be so amazingly happy. Hollywood "Dreams" I want to come true 1. Meet Jesse McCartney 2. Steal a hug from Jesse McCartney 3. Go to Laguna Beach 4. Meet a person from mtv's Laguna Beach 5. Go to Toronto 6. Get a tour of Degrassi's set 7. Be on the Real World *I'll add more when I think of them*
Read 7 comments
I like your header picture..very cool. rock on.
yeah, you better not meet jesse mccartney without me!! love you-lori
hey there dude,
yeah u left a few comments in my diary, but i can't remember what we were talking about cuz i have been away for a while.....
hows things?
hey molly! OMG I don't think I have ever 'liked' a singer/actor this much either, but I also think that u influenced me lol...u made ME obsessed lol!
hey again sorry that last comment was from me- niki lol i ran outta room on that one lol well i'll ttyl see ya tommorrow bye bye
hey I like your diary!!
Hey. I'm another one of those "girls that are obsessed with Jesse McCartney" everytime his song comes on the radio, i freak out! haha. I think he is absolutely GOREGOUS! i love him. haha. i would do anything to meet him, I mean ANYTHING.
his cd is awesome
Whats your favorite song of his?