Someone Help Me...

there was one person who constantly called me a slut b4, n i recently found out that he liked me, so now i thought that the whole sluttiness issue was over, but nooooo, jeez, of all people, the one person to call me a slut happened to be my best friend, i mean, she calls me a slut, she sais that if i dont stop liking the person i like shes gunna never talk to me again, she gets mad at me for doing anything that shes not included in (i'm not even allowed to talk on the phone with anyone but her or if she finds out she gets pissed) and she controls my whole entire life!!! im scared that if i drop her as a friend then she'll make other people hate me and spread rumors about me and stuff, sum1 plz help me!! i realli would appreciate it!! -Starry Eyes
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first of all..i think you can find better friends then her.what kind of best friend would do that?
you shouldnt be afraid of the rumors that she might spread..bc your true friends shouldnt believe it.
you shouldnt let anyone take control of your life its your life you want to live it like how you want to no one should be able to tell you what to do.