It's All A Secret Now...

Heh, its all a secret now. My best friend has no idea that me and my bf r still going out. n the good part about that is ever since i told her we "broke up" she stopped arguing wit me. I mean, she sortve replaced the arguing wit bragging, but hey, braggings better than being yelled at i guess rite? -Starry Eyes
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What mad you want to break up with him in the first place. Was it just a stupid little thing that should be ignored? Oh, And deffinatley dont lie to your friend. Thats not a smart thing to do. It will turn on you in a second. You should tell her your reasonings, and trust me...I know its hard to do. Talk to you later. You have a GREAT diary!
u have one weird friend lol. o0o0o secret relationship..sounds cool.