Last year I found myself as the girl who got made fun of alot and could barely get a under-average guy to go out with me. This year many more people like me and i have way more friends...which is cool i suppose, but then again the more people that know u also means the more people there is talking about u behind ur back...and i dont mean this as an im braging cuz this is awesome thing, i mean this as a bad thing, but i find myself with a short line-up of pretty cool guys. And it sucks. The guy i like who kissed me when he had a gf and everything ended up dumping her cuz he likes me... This guy whos one of my ex's friends likes me. The hott drummer guy that i met at the mini-battle of the bands likes me. A close guy-friend of mine likes me. And worst of all, one of my good friend's boyfriend likes me. See, I'd like to go out with the guy i originally liked cuz....i really really like him, but i don't want anyone to end up getting all mad at me or anything. should i just like...not date anyone till theres a time when only one person likes me? would that be better?..
-Starry Eyes
-Evan of the Book