Totalli Different...

Today me n my friends were walkin around downtown and i locked eyez with this total QT, i mean, that happens alot, but they never actualli like me or anything, maybe they just look at me cuz im crazy. Anywayz, for the first time ever i just locked eyez with him and then when i turned away he yelled out NICE ASS! n i turned bright red...ive never had a guy compliment me like that, it actually felt really good, i wish stuff like that could happen every day... -Starry Eyes
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lol that is a nice feeling when someone's checking you out:P
yeah lol. this might sound shallow but when ever someone honks or yells or whatever, at me and they arent good looking then I get really creeped out. Somehow tho, it's ok when they're hottttt. haha. oh well..that's just me.

Good 4 u by the way!