Running Away From It All...

Yesterday at school my "best friend" came upto me n said we needed to have a "talk." I was like sure wut do u need? n since she doesnt know about my secret boyfriend, n rite now she thinks that were just friends she told me today that i either have to stop being friends with him or stop being friends with her. she already told him that he cant see me in school anymore, n he cant be on the phone with me nemore, but thats not wut i want! i luv him with all my heart n i wanna be able to see him n talk to him but i cant with that whore in the way. I cant dump her as a friend or else she'll spread rumors bout me since she knows all my deepest darkest secrets, n she duznt relli have ne for me to spread. i'm just trying to run away from it all, i'm faking sick so that i dont have to go to school, so i got to stay home today. and when my parents make me go back to school i'm just gunna hide from everyone n just be very very quiet n maybe no one will notice me...maybe it'll all just end...finally... -Starry Eyes
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first of all you never should have told her all your deepest darkest secrets until she offered up hers too. secondly screw her! you go with your heart!
y do u have to stop being "friends" with him? Why the hell is that her decision anyway? She should not butt into other peoples lives. Does she have good reasons?