Listening to: Better Together - Jack Johnson
Feeling: ill
So me and matt got back together and everything was great for a few weeks
we got into a huge fight one day though, and from then he started acting like a jackass again. he threw a large pop in my face on friday, and on saturday he drank and said SO much stuff to me like that i was the ugliest girl hes ever seen n hes only dating me for my body, and that he cheated on me 3 times and he fucked another girl on my bed, and that he can't even believe someone would rape that shit cuz i'm the nastiest pussy he's ever had and he doesn't know why he ever even touched it...and the next day he called me n was like 'oh i was jk about tht stuff, i was just mad' uhh, he even hit me? and he kept throwing me on the ground every time i'd get up...i know i'll probabli get people saying 'break up with that fag' and it's true, i really should, but i just can't for some reason. it just pisses me off that he wont even admit that he treats me like shit, he keeps saying i treat him like shit so i shouldnt talk?...n he's now pretending he didnt cheat on me. i know he did. he can't lie about it when i KNOW...whatever, this is just depressing me
-Starry Eyes
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