People Can Be So Cruel...

Today during french, one of my friends was attempting to draw a picture of me, it was a pretty funny picture since she cant draw very well. Anyways so she was showin some ppl n then she told everyone to pass it around so i was just giggling n i was like oh, that pictures kinda cute. About five minutes later when it came back to me there was writing all around it with some extra drawing on it. my eyes started to water and so my friend sitting beside me was wondering why. she asked me n i said it was nothing n then she saw the picture n hugged me. People drew all the meanest things u can imagine on it...they drew a full on beard, moustache, unibrow, bags and bloodshot eyes, wrote "FLAT CHEST" on my shirt made word bubbles come from me saying stuff like "I'M UGLY" and "I TRIED TO GET GUYS BUT I WAS TOO UGLY SO NOW I GO FOR GIRLS" then, when i got home my parents yelled at me cuz my report card wasnt good enough (even though i'm getting strait a's and b's) ughh... -Starry Eyes
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Forget about those people. They suck. Some people have absolutely no class whatsoever. Forget about them. I never understand the point of doing that stuff. Like what the hell?! There's no reason to be mean like that. Nothing gets accomplished by things like that. There's a quote from the Green Mile...
"..I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?"

It reminds me of all the bad in the world. I feel the same exact way. It's so sad that people can be like that. It makes me want to cry..but I won't cuz I'm stronger than they are. They only live through their hurtful words and actions. We're better than that. You just have to stand tall and look forward to the better things in life. "Always look on the brighter side of your life." -As Good As It Gets.
Hey it's me lost. I made a new e-mail address so it's just a matter of me setting a new diary up. I'm so sorry about what happend.I'm here if u need-
-to vent. Just AIM FinatilyPortston,I know it's a wierd name but everything was taken.@ our newyearseve party they said I was the cild of Fred Flinst-
-tone and Natily Portman. humm. :)
omg!! thats horrible!! *hug*!
omg.. how rude... that story almost me Cry! kidz are soo f***in mean.. GRR.. u seem really cool! and thats all what counts.. and if ppl cant see that then there blind as hell... im sRRY! if you need ne 1 to talk to im here, (even tho i dont know you) but its all good... lol
[xO] kaYla~