Today during french, one of my friends was attempting to draw a picture of me, it was a pretty funny picture since she cant draw very well. Anyways so she was showin some ppl n then she told everyone to pass it around so i was just giggling n i was like oh, that pictures kinda cute. About five minutes later when it came back to me there was writing all around it with some extra drawing on it. my eyes started to water and so my friend sitting beside me was wondering why. she asked me n i said it was nothing n then she saw the picture n hugged me. People drew all the meanest things u can imagine on it...they drew a full on beard, moustache, unibrow, bags and bloodshot eyes, wrote "FLAT CHEST" on my shirt made word bubbles come from me saying stuff like "I'M UGLY" and "I TRIED TO GET GUYS BUT I WAS TOO UGLY SO NOW I GO FOR GIRLS" then, when i got home my parents yelled at me cuz my report card wasnt good enough (even though i'm getting strait a's and b's) ughh...
-Starry Eyes
[xO] kaYla~