Im really sorry. I will keep her in my prayers.
i am SO sorry..i dont know how u feel but if u need to talk to anyone im always on AIM my sn is: pandamanda567 and im always on here too... i wish u the best of luck.
hi... my mother passed away not last year but the year before in october... i know what you are going through. my mother had 2 types of unknown cancer and a tumber in her stomach and well by the time we knew about this it was to late and she passed away about 2 mounths later. i know how it is and it is sad. but dont give up hope. everything will be okay. just pray and have faith no matter how hard you think it is.
im really really sorry. i feel for you. my friend is going through the exact ssame thing right now.. im here if u need any help.. my grandma died from it...

im so sorry.

I know how you feel- my mom was just diagnosed with a brain tumor.....I hope things get better for you