Just Plain Rude...

Last nite my dad called me a bitch because i was on the phone too long. I felt really bad and i stayed up all night crying, onli got a half hour of sleep before school, n i had tech ed rite in da mornin so i was fallin asleep on the saws and sandpaper and such. My boyfriend must be some sortve an idiot, me n my mom n my brother all sound like girls when we talk n my dad sounds like a relli low voice guy, i specifically told my boyfriend that if my dad answers when he calls, to hang up, but noo he calls me at like midnight and my dad answers, and then he starts talkin. For fuks sake, he knows im not allowed to be on the phone after 10 and he knows my dad doesnt want me to have any contact wut so ever with guyz cuz hes a bastard, so wut the hell is wrong with my boyfriend!? god his ADHD is relli startin to act up. -Starry Eyes
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im sure it was an honest mistake. i feel bad for u..hope u didn't get in too much trouble.
omg.. no offence ur dad doesnt nneed to call YOU a bitch for stayin up on the phone... he is an bastard.. dont listen to himm... lol i wouldnt..lol
[Xo] kaYla~
P.S ur storyz are fun to read!
omg.. no offence ur dad doesnt nneed to call YOU a bitch for stayin up on the phone... he is an bastard.. dont listen to himm... lol i wouldnt..lol
[Xo] kaYla~
P.S ur storyz are fun to read!
omg.. no offence ur dad doesnt nneed to call YOU a bitch for stayin up on the phone... he is an bastard.. dont listen to himm... lol i wouldnt..lol
[Xo] kaYla~
P.S ur storyz are fun to read!