We're Not Special...

Feeling: depressed
"you don't make me feel special...and you should, well, atleast sometimes, because...i am, and even people i'm not dating make me feel special..." "sorry what did you just say? i wasnt listening, repeat." "nevermind..." "no wait, did you say i dont make you feel special" "maybe...just...whatever" "oh, okay" "...yeah" "so i'm pretty tired from hockey, i think i'm going to go to sleep" "oh..k.." "you sound upset, u ok?" "...yeah...whatever, don't worry about it" "k, goodnight." "...nite."
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haha awe man thats like this one time i got into the car with my mom when i was drunk and she decided she was in the mood for ice cream. There was ice cream allll over the car. oops.

Did you get in any trouble for being drunk?
hahaha thats the way to be
no dammit!
you have to open about things!
pour them feelings out yo!