
bought a buy-one-get-one pack of excedrin. neither of them say hope. I'm feeling awfully committed.
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Thank you for the suggestion. I usually do just paste it in there, I just forgot. Eh.. It's been awhile.

I'm feeling awfully committed too.

Only online diary I prefer though.

How's it going?
life is pretty fucking shitty .

general doesn't even explain.
that's hott

can i lick it?

how many pills :O
waste of time?
i'd be fucked..

oh yeah, cause that's even better.
Everyone needs a little antifreeze in their life.

I can't judge but only be judged
Ahh, spiffy? I'm more than just that.

And how does that make you sound like an asshole? I disagree.. it could be worse.

Big Rock, huh. I hate rocks.
seriously, dude, she.s a fuckin trip sometimes. i guess i will never get it. haha

care to share a bottle of excedrin? i like misalligned my jaw today, haha. sounds ridiculous but i swear it.s all fucked up. and the funny thing is the most strenuous thing i did was watch how i met your mother. oh and go to the doctors and get blood work. they gave me a tetnis shot too, heh. anyway, point is, my fucking face hurts. :/
haaaaaa.. I am. Not to sound cocky, either. I just don't fucking care.

I was being nice..
You're silly..
