
I've had: two bottles of water today. and i feel like shit. how the fuck do you scrawny anorexic people do this shit.. I need a sandwich. Better yet, some fucking ramen noodles. I'm going to go eat. screw this shit. I still only weigh 125, so what if i have a little bulge. ---------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so the rentz seriously pissed me off this morning. I mean, I was packing up my clothes and shit. But, that little voice in the back of my head was screaming like a banshee. So, I still live at home. But that little voice, the one that keeps talking some of what little sense I have left back into me. He's starting to agree with me on some points. I'm tired of being dependent. I'm tired of living with my parents, being fed by them, having to owe them something. I LOATH owing people something, or anything. I want to be free, I want to be on my own. I want to be... with her. Every day is a struggle now. It's amazing, I think I've finally grown some balls. Too bad I have no cash to back'm up. I almost grabbed my things, and ran to Virginia. At the border, I would have called you, and asked you for directions. I would have stolen you away. I had it all worked out. gawd I miss you. I wish I could curl up around you, and sleep forever embracing you. I need my lil' spoon. FUCK ME I was soooo close to convincing myself to go. Can't be much longer. I'll save you love. My only concern. Do you want to be saved. ---------------------------------------------------- p.s. half digested noodles look gross ~rawr~
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saved lol
everyone wants to be saved.