You know what I think the most annoying thing about being manic-depressed, or depressed at all is? When you know something can help you, or you're in a severely depressed state, but you cant make yourself do it, or talk to them, or just fucking ANYTHING. It's kind of like a debilitating disease that is curable by getting up and walking somewhere, or opening your mouth (or getting online) and talking to a certain person. but.. you cant make yourself do it.. i dont know if i'm just lazy... or what the hell it is. and... i hate myself for it. i can lay there, staring at the ceiling or wall and for all outward appearances appear to be blissfully happy and doing nothing. but inside i'm screaming at myself and pulling my hair out to get up and just do what will help i cant make myself though. it's as if i'm chained down, to the bed. it's the most frustrating thing in the world. and no matter how many reasons i give myself. or how many times i scream at myself. i cant help myself. i really cant. i'm slowly giving up. my voice is getting hoarse, and becoming harder for me to hear myself screaming. i dont know what to do anymore. i'm all alone by choice. and i'm trapped in a cell of my own making. i wish i had the strength of will, or mind to kill myself.
Read 6 comments
i.m a dumb ass for that rant of 5 comments i left, forgive me? so let me start over: why are you a virgin? you are too attractive to be a virgin (saw your myspace), haha.
and i know how you feel, it gets better.
i'm in the same boat. i'll just do nothing and let everything fall into pieces.
:{! gbus. i know how u feel but dont think the last sentence in anymore...

but yeah.. thanks for the commentt. i like bonuses. and writing in sitd obviously :p
this all sounds very familiar
I had a diary before this one but hated the username so got a different one 4 months later...hey, i was 16, give me a break. anyway the first 170 entries were from my first diary. How many diaries have you had?

it's surprising how therapeutic having an online diary is. you meet assholes and cool people and crazies all in the same place and you realise that maybe you CAN keep yourself afloat in this stupid world. good luck.
Hey. I know how you feel. I was in exactly the same place about 3 months ago. But i got over it... I pulled through. I only managed to do so by socialising and with the help of herbal calms... Try keeping you head up, remember the world is waiting for you to fall.

You'll pull through, we always do...