
Yesterday I dislocated my kneecap in gym. All the kids went in to get help and I was stuck there lying on the ground because noone would come and help me. I laid there for half of a hour, finally the ambulance came and got me. Damn It took them and hour and a half to get my knee fixed. Geez Now i have to walk around on crutches and wear a brace. That entire time i was in so much fucking pain godamm.. Then the super cool girls gave me flowers with a bear and a card. Thank you so much.. That made my day... Yeah so that sucked anyway but I am good now. so yeah
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JEFF its jenna on joannas diary...hope you liked the flowers and hope you are feeling tons better. Did you like your Getwellaphant?!! that was the coolest card ever

I serioiusly was going to hop a ride down there to come see you!!
awww. i love you jeff!!


with lotsa love.

hey me n erik will see you next weekend ;)