I'm starting to kind of realize somethings. Like the people that I thought were my friends actually really aren't because they treat me like shit. And you know what?!!? I don't really give a shit about them because I can make new friends. I kind of lost a friend like a week ago and she has been ignoring me and being mean to me. Well guess what?!?! I made two new friends. Lonie and Josh are awesome! They understand me and actually talk to me! They don't ignore me and they hang out with me and they don't use me.
I've been talking to this one person on the phone the past couple of nights and it's pretty cool. I've never actually had someone do that before. He should know who he is!! If he doesn't here's a hint. JUST KEEP SWIMMING..WOOOHOO! LMFAO!
I got to see Tara D and Brooke last night. We had soo much fun. Brooke was singing and dancing. We picked Scott up too. It was great! We went to the dam to see if it was flooded and it was. It was pretty awesome. Well I don't have anything really left to say.
And to the guy I talk to on the phone- Just keep swimming just keep swimming...wooohooo!