Debate Types

Listening to: TV in background
Feeling: alive
In debate there are several different events. I believe that certain types will be happiest doing certain events. Thus, without further ado, I give a typological analysis of each event. SPS: Impromptu is the SP event of choice. XSFP: They are best suited for the performance side of debate, particularly Humorous Interpretation, HI, Duo, and Impromptu. HI, is a comedic one-person performance of which the xSFP will fill most at home entertaining people and getting others to laugh. ESFPs will particularly enjoy Duo, as it allows them act and gives them someone to play off. Their natural ability as performers will allow them vast success in this area, though they will need to discipline themselves enough to avoid constantly changing their piece. Lastly, the xSFPs will also enjoy the spontaneity of Impromptu and the choice of topics that it will give them. XSFPs will enjoy impromptu the most out of the events that I’ve covered here. XSTPS: These people may be draw to LD, CX, TT, and Impromptu. LD, Lincoln Douglas Debate, will give them a chance to stretch their argumentative skills, but the philosophy involved may prove to be boring and or annoying to an xSTP. CX, Cross Examination also know as Policy or Team debate, will be more to the xSTPs for it is less philosophical and more ‘practical’. Though this may have an initial draw to their ‘T’ most will end up leaving for the organization and research will prove too ‘boring’ for them and they will have difficulty with the one philosophical argument in this side of debate. They may enjoy the speed the round can sometimes take on though. For the most part, it is a bad choice for them to pursue Policy or LD. However, with work they may excel at it. TT is more their style, the topics change quickly and it’s slow enough to allow them to use their ability to perform and to be clever in round. The rules are also lax thus leaving room for creativity. They will also enjoy and excel at Impromptu like their xSFP relatives. SJ: Extemp is the event for SJs. XSFJs: Should STAY OUT OF THE DEBATE SIDE OF DEBATE! This is for their own good. XSFJs will enjoy DI, Duo, and Extemp. DI, Dramatic Interpretation, plays well into the xSFJs ability to be dramatic and plays well into their Fe abilities. Si will aid them in memorizing their lines, although they may have to stretch to get into character. Duo will give them a sense of duty to do this memorizing and what not for their partner and thus will give them a sense of accomplishment and allow them to prove their trustworthiness, and their reliability. Extemp will play well into their organizational abilities and into their knowledge about world events, since SJs are prone to worry about such. It allows them to play newscaster and to tell people what to do. Si will allow them to find stories to use as an introduction. Extemp is perfect for them. XSTJs: They are best suited for the debate side of debate, LD, CX, TT, and Extemp. XSTJs will enjoy the organization and the argumentation of LD, they will also enjoy the history behind its origin. ISTJs may also enjoy the philosophy involved. CX is also a good choice for xSTJs. Their ability to organize is most desirable for CX, which requires good organization and filing capabilities. You also must be able to remember old ploys quickly. Although XSTJs may find themselves lacking in the strategy area of CX, they will excel in the research area. They may find TT to be easier than CX, due to it being slower and requiring less filing. Overall, CX is probably the best event for them debate side. Performance side, Extemp is the best for them, like their xSFJ counter parts. NF: Performance side will be more enjoyable for NFs, the politics that occur in debate will be distasteful to them, but if they decide to do the debate side of debate, they can be as good as any T. I call Oration the NF event, (edit Aug 13, see note above XNFP for more) XNFJ: Interps, and Oration will be most enjoyable for xNFJs performance side, though debate side will provide them an intellectual challenge. The Interps will allow the xNFJ to get inside other peoples heads and to act out their parts, the cutting of the actual piece will be well suited to their Fe abilities as well. Oration, is the soapbox in debate, this is where you get the chance to try to change the world one-debate tournament at a time. The event plays well to the idealists’ abilities and interests. XNFJs will also do well in most any event because of their persuasiveness, organization, and ability to act. XNFP: (Edit Aug 13) I recently found out that INFPS actually enjoy the debate side of debate. I found this out from a site know as INFP or INFJ, which was written by the same person who created So, if you're and XNFP and you will enjoy any of the debates and will get a good, fun, exercise for your Te function. You may also enjoy the interps. (Hopefully Vicky Joe, author of won't be mad at me for modifying my info after reading her take on INFXs and debate -hides-) NT: Debate side, LD is the NT event. XNTJ: Policy, TT, and LD is where this type will excel. These people will be good with both the organization and the theory required in Policy, though they may have a lot more issues with their partners than those of other type because of their need to control and typically poor social skills (has a potential ENTJ on her bad side from time spent in Policy). They also will enjoy a good spat or too in TT, though the constantly changing topics may become irksome to them. LD is where they will thrive, because of its philosophy and theory basis. XNTP: LD, TT, and Impromptu will be where these types excel. These people will enjoy the philosophical side of LD, although they may loath writing up a case. TT is better for xNTPs because it requires less organization than Policy and because it changes topics more often. Impromptu tends to be enjoyable for xNTPs as well; Ne tends to be very useful in this event. In fact, I’ve met an INTP who did impromptu as his main event. Impromptu also allows them to be as funky as they want to be. It’s a good event for people with the Ne preference. Any of the suggested events, an xNTP would enjoy. A word about the Congress event, this event is good for anyone, particularly extroverts, who want to slack off. People with a lot of either Se or Ne will love.
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