Procrastinating, as usual

I think I must have my timezone off or something because these entries are usually a day off. I'm finally done with my English midterm and my math test. I'm in college algebra and I think I'm going to audit the class, you know, take it pass/fail, because I only need the credit for my Liberal Education requirements and not for my English major requirements. I was a little afraid of auditing it because I thought it would look bad on a gradschool application. Then I talked to Melissa and she said that she was able to get into grad school with both her audits used. I have to register for next semester on Friday, I'm hoping that my Biology class (another LE) is still open when I get there. It's the one I'm most worried about because almost no one is taking Japanese II and my other two classes are upper division English classes. I haven't declared my major yet, I'm waiting till I get to know at least one other english proffessor so that I can make an educated dicision about chosing an advisor. I'm finally starting to get better at dealing with hypocritical Mormons. I just regard them to be on a different level from me, that doesn't make me better than them mind you, just different. I give the same respect that I would give someone of a different religion, because that's basically what they because their interpretation of our church is different from mine. I'm not a perfect Mormon either, come to think of it. I'd better be getting to my homework. Although most of it isn't due till monday, I like to get most of it out of the way before the weekend. I won't have much time tomorrow because we're having an exchange with one of the U's LDS frats, and that means that we'll have a big turnout. The magic words for getting a lot of people to come to IWA seem to be exchange, and Chocolate Fountain. I actually prefere smaller groups, which is why I wasn't dismayed about the low turn out as the rest of the IWA presidency was. ~Amyelk Out
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Hey! thanks for your comment. I'm sorry about the girl you knew who died. That's very sad. I wouldn't blame yourself; you didn't know.
Do I know you? I go to SV. I don't think I know you, but maybe I do... Anyway. Have a great day!
--Lisa Ann
Hmm... I feel like I should know you... but I don't think I do. My sister, however, graduated in '04. She was involved with debate and drama. Her name is also Sarah! Did you know her?